
Anxiety Isn’t Funny

Anxiety and Insomnia – Thanks, Mom

insomniaUS News and World Report has posted an abstract that details the findings of researchers in the U.S. that there might be a genetic link between anxiety, depression and insomnia.

As a result, researchers advise that adolescents who suffer from anxiety and depression should also be screened for insomnia. That seems like an excellent idea.

I’ve often wondered if my occasional (but more frequent as I get older) insomnia and my anxiety are somehow connected, and if so, if my lack of sleep problems in my youth were in any way a signal of impending emotional struggles that didn’t start until later in life.

From the article:

The researchers’ analysis of data from 749 monozygotic twin pairs and 687 dizygotic twin pairs, aged 8 to 17, and their parents revealed that 19.5 percent of the children had insomnia.

The results indicate that, as has been seen in previous studies of insomnia in adults, diagnosable insomnia in children aged 8 to 16 years is moderately likely to be inherited, according to a news release about the study. The shared genetic effects between insomnia, depression and anxiety suggest that these disorders are linked.

Since genetics plays such a key role in so many disorders, it’s not surprising that insomnia might fall into that category, and 19.5% doesn’t seem to be outside of expectations. It’s also not shocking that there’s a link between insomnia and anxiety, but I wonder if this might not qualify as a “which came first – the chicken or the egg?” scenario. Are the teens more prone to anxiety and depression because they are so worn down due to insomnia, or is one of the symptoms of anxiety the inability to exhibit normal sleep patterngens? Or both?

Not much detail in the online article, but it’s an interesting topic nonetheless.

Insomnia and Anxiety May Be Genetically Linked, via US News and World Report

June 10, 2009 Posted by | Anxiety, research | , , , , | 1 Comment