
Anxiety Isn’t Funny

Riding the “E” Train – Mindfulness of Emotions


Jonathan Kaplan, Ph.D., writing in his Psychology Today blog, digs a little deeper into the concept of being aware of your emotional state.

Equating it to a subway train approaching and then zooming past, Kaplan discusses how emotion rises to a peak, like the train coming on fast, and then subsides. He then provides a detailed exercise to use as a tool to recognizing emotional peaks and valleys.

It’s really part of the holistic approach to emotion that we discuss here from time to time, along with the linkage we attempt to establish between emotional and physical response.

Riding the “E” Train: Mindfulness of Emotions

April 27, 2009 - Posted by | Psychology, Resources | , ,

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  1. […] written about mindfulness here, here, and here, and the longer I practice, the more beneficial it becomes. Certainly, attaining a […]

    Pingback by CNN Discovers Mindfulness « KnowFear | June 2, 2009 | Reply

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